Jonathan P

State Department of Finance of Rio de Janeiro

Information technology specialist with proven expertise in local and cloud infrastructure as well as architecture and monitoring for AWS, Azure and Office 365 Enterprise Products. I have a background in penetration testing and cybersecurity, having applied these capabilities in providing businesses with security intelligence and implementation solutions that are targeted to secure, track and respond to internal and external threats. I also had the opportunity to use my technical background within the Brazilian Army, having worked as the head of information technology department in the 25° Logistic Battalion for 6+ years.

I have a Master’s in Business Administration, specializing in Business Management and Information Systems and Information Technology. I am currently studying Data Privacy/Protection Laws to develop deeper understanding of the legal framework on obtaining, using and storing data. Given how obsessive I am when it comes to learning and the value it brings, I welcome the opportunity to become a mentor so I can help others learn about information technology and security at their own terms.