Aakash D

Junglee Games

An energetic and highly adaptive data scientist with a post grad diploma in statistical methods and applications. Proficient in SQL, AWS, Python, Keras, and R. Passionate about machine learning and innovation, having used such technologies and tools as Pandas, BASH, Confluence, MongoDB, Tableau and more to develop, implement and manage a variety of projects, including automation for associate surveillance and home loan credit testing, data wrangling, business intelligence, simplification of customer targeting and profiling, growth hacking, product recommendation system, revenue forecasting, data fetching, and more.

Currently working as a senior data scientist, leading a team of three data scientists while actively supporting functions like CX, marketing, product and finance. If you are ever struggling reaching your goal of understanding data science, Python and general machine learning, or maybe you need that extra push to get you in this career path, I’m here to provide the support you need. We can work on reaching your goal, fine-tuning your skills and implementing a strategy to let you break into the field of data science.